5 Reasons to Eat Breakfast
Breakfast is the easiest meal of the day:) It doesn’t have to be fancy or require extensive preparation, unless it’s the weekend and you are feeling it.
  1. Your body needs nutrients after resting. You will stave off overeating when you get your calories in earlier in the day. The morning truly sets the tone for the day, including your eating habits.
  2. More steady energy in the morning. If you drink coffee on an empty stomach, you will probably crave something sweet or unhealthy by midmorning.
  3. Add more variety to your diet. If you want to try to add oatmeal or healthier foods, breakfast is a great time to do that. Breakfast can be leftover dinner and or anything you wish. It’s great to try warm foods in the winter and lighter foods in the summer to eat seasonally.
  4. Eating the rainbow. You can help add the recommended daily healthy fruits and veggies to fuel your body.
  5. Prevent overeating later in the day. If you’ve ever felt ravenous after dinner, it may be because you didn’t get enough calories earlier in the day.

If you’re not a breakfast person, start by adding a few bites of toast so you don’t start your day on an empty stomach. We know that students who eat breakfast are able to focus and learn more in school, but this also applies to adults going to work.



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