Are you feelings overwhelmed and out of balance? Has life gotten in a the way of the healthiest version of you?  Do you want to feel more freedom around food?  Are you experiencing digestive issues, low energy or poor sleep?

When you place your health first in your life, you are better able to accomplish your goals and live a happier life.  I work with individual clients and tailor a program over six months to prioritize your health and discover what truly nourishes you.  I am passionate about helping you thrive.

6 month program

How can you feel your healthiest? I believe your health is an investment that you need to continually make deposits in. Your health impacts every area of you life. If your body is out-of-balance, it’s very hard to fulfill your mission and take care of the rest of your life.

Together we will work together to do a deep dive into your life. Six months is enough time to observe and explore how to make lasting changes in you life without feeling rushed. Your body has the wisdom to make the best possible choices for your life.

Taking care of mind, body, and spirit with a holistic approach is my top priority. My philosophy is that all three are interconnected. Your mental health affects your physical health and vice versa.

I understand how it feels to have constant health struggles. If you’re ready to make lasting changes in your life, I invite you to work with me.

6 Month Program includes:

  • Two sessions per month
  • Email support for questions and challenges
  • Handouts and other supportive materials
  • Pantry makeover (through Zoom)
  • Invites to classes
  • Bonuses and tools

Download the Free Self-Care Toolkit

Make yourself a priority!  We can get so consumed with work and other obligations, that we forget to take care of ourselves.  Download my free toolkit which includes ideas and exercises to bring a better mental state.


  • What is a health coach?

    Like a personal trainer, we work together to make step-by-step lifestyle changes. It takes time to figure out which foods you may be sensitive to. Together we will figure out what challenges and obstacles are in your way.  I can also work with your physician so you have an accountability partner and you can manage and follow a doctor’s recommendations.

  • Who are my clients?

    Busy, stressed out career women who need extra support around their health. Life feels like a struggle and you are looking for accountability. Sometimes it helps to have an outside perspective who is looking out for you. If you are looking for better health, digestion, and more energy, I invite you to work with me if you are committed to your health.

  • What’s included in the 6 month program?

    You can view all my program breakdowns above.

  • Why is the program six months?

    This gives you enough time to learn how to become your own health coach through observation and different tools.  You will learn how certain foods impact you. You will become more aware of the choices you are making. We will explore habits and patterns that aren’t serving you.

  • What if I don’t have time?

    We work with the life you have and the responsibilities you face. We can customize solutions through trial and error. You do need to create some time in your schedule for good health, such as time to exercise and purchase food, but it won’t take over your life. When you follow a healthier lifestyle, you will have more energy and this will motivate you to sustain the changes.