The Arts Heal Us: Part One

In the Beginning

When we were young, the arts were a natural and daily part of our lives. As children, we used our creativity to express ourselves. Something happens to us as we mature and are faced with adult responsibilities. We judge ourselves and don’t consider ourselves artists, cutting us from art’s healing power.

What We Know Deep Down

When people hear their favorite song on the radio, people start tapping their feet. Playing calming music at dinner helps let go of the stresses of the day. Singing in the shower lifts our spirits. Even if we feel self-conscious or doubt our abilities, it’s not about the performance, but about the transformative effect. Research shows the value of the arts-at the emotional, mental, and physical level. In countless hospitals, art therapy is an important addition to the healing modalities offered in hospitals. We know intuitively the power of the arts to heal.

When people move into a new space, bare white walls are decorated by instinct. Wearing brighter colors improves our moods and how we face the day. When we celebrate with others, it’s natural to turn to music and dance to enhance the event.


During challenging times, the arts give us a way to express our inner landscape. As much as talking helps, using the arts to help me express myself has helped me in profound ways. I am able to turn the noise off in my head for a few minutes.

When feeling strong emotions, many people turn to rhythmic music and dance to help them release what they can’t contain. It helps to move our bodies to help release the tension within us. Whatever is trapped inside needs to come out or we can become sick.

The arts show us that there is a way forward, that we have a future that we can be hopeful for and there are always new beginnings. The time of day I look most forward to is my daily time when I listen to my favorite songs for at least fifteen minutes. I’m grateful for the chance to clear my mind and improve my mood. This helps me release the cares of the day.

In the next post, I will discuss practical ways to incorporate the arts into your life.



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