Take a Step Back
Last week was so stressful that I hibernated all weekend. Ease and flow are hard things to find right now, but exactly what I need to focus on. Hearing “Be like water..” has never been more helpful. Sometimes it’s easy to forget this simple principle.
It’s so hot right now that the best thing is to sit still. This gives me time to think through some things. My first realization is that on a hot summer day, nothing beats iced coffee for me. I feel that all is right in the world and I savor the experience. I understand why people like to sit for a spell on the porch and drink lemonade or your favorite beverage. Getting to this mindset of noticing when you’re off balance and need to center yourself again takes practice.
The Right Questions
Ask yourself “What is working in my life? What areas of my life flow easily?” Right now what is going well is I never miss yoga class. Plus certain people are so supportive that I want to keep them in my life. Other areas are more difficult, so I can focus less on these areas. Thinking about all the things I should be doing, but can’t fit into my life right now, is something I need to let go of. I felt like I was being so hard on myself because I was feeling behind with personal writing projects. At this time in my life, I can handle writing in short periods of time while on the train or in between appointments or while waiting. I can’t focus for hours at a time, like I had originally planned. Being self-compassionate will get you farther than beating yourself up.
Asking Your Wise Self
While we should work hard for our dreams and visions to come true, if everything is a struggle, then something is probably off. It may be the timing or it may be that you need more help, but listening to the voices that you are hearing is important. We are our own best healers and teachers, since no one else truly lives inside our own skin. The way to know if you are on the right track is you feel lucky, there’s synchronicity happening that can’t be explained, or the right support magically appears.