Creating Change

Change doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process. Our minds can accept this, but it’s much harder to be patient with ourselves. We are like plants that need sun, water, time, and the right conditions to flower and bloom. Small changes plant the seed for a healthier life.

Time and Imagination

When we are very comfortable, it often takes an event to inspire us. If you are going through a challenging time then it might not be the best time to make a change. There’s a reason why they don’t recommend you make a major change such as moving when you are grieving losses.

Deciding on your why is really the foundation of change. You may have to dig deep because the true reasons for change may go deeper than your initial responses. Imagine all of the benefits of making the change. Really use all of your senses so you can see that all of the challenges and detours are worthwhile. You have to feel this in your body so you can keep going on the hard days.

Never Give Up!

The only way to fail is to stop trying. Failing in many areas, including science, means you are one step closer to success. Change your mindset and become your own cheerleader. Become the best version of yourself so you gain the grit, confidence, and knowledge to make an important change.


Change requires patience and support. Writing down what your vision is or having accountability by telling a friend about your goal is a great way to put it out into the universe.

We are so lucky to live in a time where there are so many avenues of support. Whether you are trying to quit smoking or drinking, dealing with an addiction, or having relationship challenges, you can find support groups or counselors on-line and in person. You can connect with groups that deal with any issue imaginable. If you can’t find something compatible, you can always start your own group. There are like-minded people who understand the difficulties and obstacles you face.

Change is worth the effort. The universe’s timing is perfect so be patient with yourself and consider challenges and frustrations as a natural part of the journey. Noone has looked back and regretted the difficulties in running a marathon, cooking at home more, or getting enough rest.



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Stop and Smell the Roses – Part 1

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