Are You Truly S.A.D.?

If you’re like me and sensitive to the changing season from summer to fall, read on about Seasonal Affective Disorder. Growing up, I didn’t know what to call my mood changes when fall would roll around.

I just noticed that I had more energy in the summer and preferred longer days with sunlight. It was harder for me to wake up on dark winter mornings and get going. I even hated going out of the bathtub because the temperature change was so drastic.

Some suggestions that may help:

  • More light please. Going outside for a walk to get natural light will help set your internal clock. You can also purchase a light box while eating your breakfast. Using this boosts my mood immediately.
  • Make sure you are getting enough Vitamin D.
  • Get some downtime. Usually the fall season brings many fall activities, but this also means you’re in high energy mode.
  • Work on a regular sleep routine. Find soothing rituals that prepare you for sleep and try to stick to a schedule.
  • This is the time to reflect and go inward. Notice what changes are happening in your life. Just as the leaves of trees change color in the fall, ask yourself if there are things you need to release. What is no longer serving you?
Use this time to reflect and make small adjustments so you stay healthy and comfortable. Knowing that your body may be telling you to slow down will also help you.


Spending Diet

With the holidays around the corner, I’m thinking ahead to how to approach the holiday season with mindfulness. Last year, with the best of intentions, I found myself overspending on

Stop and Smell the Roses – Part 2

On the road to slowing down and experiencing more joyful moments, there will be many challenges along the way. Some of these may be unconscious patterns that are holding you

Stop and Smell the Roses – Part 1

I was recently walking through my botanical garden and I had to remind myself to notice the flowers in bloom. Winter will be upon us and fall is already here. Whatever I had in mind for the day, stopping and noticing this moment was most important to me.

I’ve recently asked myself if I’m enjoying the pace of my life and honestly it’s a no. What I mean is that I try to cram so much into my free time because it’s very precious to me. I feel that I have to cram in what I”m missing. The pace is not sustainable. Everyone has different seasons of life so you may have to examine what is happening in your life.