Create Space

I like to never run out of favorite products. I think I’m addicted to having a full calendar. I have a serious fear of missing out on personal growth. I’m impatient for meetings to start and want to find ways to be productive until the last minute. I don’t think I’m alone. What if this […]

Silence is truly golden. On a typical day in NYC, one is constantly surrounded by noise or intrusive sounds. The sound of car horns, buses, and sirens abound. Even coffee shops have music playing at loud volumes. One has to search to find a restaurant you can have a conversation in. Against the daily fabric […]

Take a Step Back Last week was so stressful that I hibernated all weekend. Ease and flow are hard things to find right now, but exactly what I need to focus on. Hearing “Be like water..” has never been more helpful. Sometimes it’s easy to forget this simple principle. It’s so hot right now that […]

In the Beginning When we were young, the arts were a natural and daily part of our lives. As children, we used our creativity to express ourselves. Something happens to us as we mature and are faced with adult responsibilities. We judge ourselves and don’t consider ourselves artists, cutting us from art’s healing power. What […]

You can’t rely on will power alone. Habits, systems, and being organized will go a long way to help you look and feel your best. I focus on feeling the best, because looking a certain way may not motivate you. Emphasizing adding more fruits and vegetables will help create the foundation of a healthier diet. […]

I think I”m a grateful person, but am not always in the mood to write down what I notice. I go through cycles where I am extremely grateful to swinging back and thinking that the world is plotting against me. Mood Booster Gratitude has been proven to be a boost for your health. It makes […]

I recently heard the phrase “taking a break from grief” and really liked the way that it sounded. As caregivers, there is so much loss along with our hearts hurting for the losses our loved ones are experiencing. It’s easy to spend most of our time stuck in grief, but we need regular breaks. Here […]

Life is more than how productive we are or how many things we can check off our to do list. True rest is difficult if we believe that everything has to be earned. We need to nurture our relationships with our loved ones, friends, and especially ourselves. Spending time in these areas is essential, but […]