As a caregiver, you end up not having enough time to do chores, go to a doctor’s appointment, make endless phone calls, cook and go to the grocery store. You can become more and more isolated over time, if you stop accepting invitations and stop inviting people over. Thinking about what you can do, in […]

When I was a little girl, I wanted to try every pastime. My dream was to start a magazine about hobbies. It drove my mom crazy since I was a dabbler in everything. My mom told me I had to choose. She thought that taking dance, violin, and piano would be too much for me. These outlets gave me a source of comfort in elementary school. In my mind, I had no idea that it would require time, dedication, and practice.

Writing your thoughts down can be a lifesaver. I want to emphasize the importance of journaling as a tool that will help you keep a record of your thoughts and feelings. Personally, it has been a lifesaver when I need to process a challenging situation. There are times when you need to vent and people […]

I was losing interest in my old hobbies and needed something that would help me center myself again. I needed to find something I could do in little pockets of time and was portable. Little did I know that this would come from an entirely unexpected avenue. New Hobby After a hard time of caring […]

If you are constantly tired, it’s easy to think that it’s a normal part of life as you get older. It is not. Sadly, I remember telling my doctor one time that I was feeling so tired and his response was that he was tired also. I didn’t have the space to examine how my […]

This is an area I struggle with, but I believe part of my own journey is to reduce my possessions that are weighing me down. I’ve collected so much over the last couple of years. My biggest goal is to make room for things that matter. Benefits Clearing your space has both mental, emotional, and […]

I discovered mindful eating several years ago. At first I had a hard time listening to my hunger cues. I didn’t trust my body and was so used to letting external cues such as schedule, lack of time, or my environment dictate the way I ate. I didn’t really understand what truly nourished me and […]

Reiki is an extremely gentle energy healing modality. There are Reiki circles and Reiki virtual healing sessions. You remain clothed but the practitioner is able to read and send out energy. I find it a gentle modality that allows you to make shifts in your energy. Like anything else, it depends on how comfortable you […]