Book Review: Roar: Into the Second Half of Your Life (Before It’s Too Late)

The author shares his own journey, along with numerous examples of others who have made positive changes in their lives. Sometimes you need to see concrete examples of people who were able to pull off what may seem out of reach for you. Most people think of career changes and focus on that, but Roar explores social, leisure, health, and other areas where we can all make adjustments or explore new avenues. For full disclosure, I heard the audible version. I wanted to get a better understanding of the author’s journey and found this to be a richer experience for this particular book.

The book has a positive, realistic, and hopeful message-truly the best is yet to come. He examines areas that may block you from seeing your potential. Most of us have excuses and challenges that keep us from trying new things.

The theme of the book was that the individuals highlighted wanted to make a greater impact on the world and truly live their best lives. Many people’s paths were winding and unexpected, which shows the actual twists and turns that happen in all of our lives.

What I found interesting is how making a change in your life has a snowball effect that possibly leads to greater change in the other areas of your life. This resonated so well with me.

If you are suffering from the blahs or want to plan ahead, know that you have a knowledgeable guide. The book’s tone is like having a conversation with a good friend who has a huge network of accomplished people.

There are always clues from your past that can be examined further. I especially appreciated his chapter on embracing where you come from and your unique past. You will find at least a few life-changing ideas from this book. This read is well worth your time.



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