The Arts Heal Us: Part One

In the Beginning When we were young, the arts were a natural and daily part of our lives. As children, we used our creativity to express ourselves. Something happens to us as we mature and are faced with adult responsibilities. We judge ourselves and don’t consider ourselves artists, cutting us from art’s healing power. What […]
Taking a Break from Grief

I recently heard the phrase “taking a break from grief” and really liked the way that it sounded. As caregivers, there is so much loss along with our hearts hurting for the losses our loved ones are experiencing. It’s easy to spend most of our time stuck in grief, but we need regular breaks. Here […]
Caregivers and Maintaining Social Ties

As a caregiver, you end up not having enough time to do chores, go to a doctor’s appointment, make endless phone calls, cook and go to the grocery store. You can become more and more isolated over time, if you stop accepting invitations and stop inviting people over. Thinking about what you can do, in […]
Healthy Caregivers: My Book Announcement

I’ve been searching high and low for what helps me the most in my caregiving journey. I’m happy to announce my new ebook Wake Up Call for Caregivers: Tools to Improve Your Health which discusses practical ways caregivers can take better care of themselves from a health coaching perspective. As someone in the midst of a caregiving […]
10 Ways to Slow Down Your Life for Grief

If you are going through grief for any reason your body will tell you to slow down. It’s not wise to power through. Here are some practices that will honor your grief and restore your energy: Reduce unnecessary commitments. If you feel depleted, ask yourself what you can place on hold for now? Don’t start […]
Ways to Be Around People Without Socializing

I recently made an appointment in my calendar to visit a coffee shop so I wouldn’t have to socialize, but would be surrounded by people. I noticed that my appetite was better and I was in a better mood when I came home. This was something I missed, which was something I took for granted […]
Caregiver: Hypervigilance

As caregivers, we are always on alert and anticipating needs. It’s hard to remember how to relax and not be so vigilant all the time for danger. We are like emergency personnel who have to make sure that our loved ones are healthy, safe, and comfortable, all the while managing the daily life of running […]
Caregiver PSA

I write this public service announcement for myself as much as anyone else. The statistics of caregivers’ health decline is well-known and scary. Caregivers are at greater risk for hypertension and inflammation. Knowing this in your head and putting this into action is a different matter.
Caregivers-Don’t Put Your Life on Hold!

Years can go by as you realize that you didn’t accomplish something that was important to you. Caregiving can become all-consuming. It’s important for your sanity to recognize when you’re doing this. I’m also writing this to myself as a reminder. It often starts out subtly. You either reduce your workouts or stop going to […]
Caregiver Timeout

Caregivers need to take regular breaks for their mental, emotional, and physical health. You can’t help anyone if you’re not taking care of yourself first. You are facing difficult challenges and the demands never seem to stop. When you feel overwhelmed, have a few go to spots so you can recharge. After having a hard […]