Category: Healthy Mind

The Arts Heal Us: Part One

In the Beginning When we were young, the arts were a natural and daily part of our lives. As children, we used our creativity to express ourselves. Something happens to us as we mature and are faced with adult responsibilities. We judge ourselves and don’t consider ourselves artists, cutting us from art’s healing power. What We Know Deep Down When people hear their favorite song on the radio, people start tapping their feet. Playing calming music at dinner helps let go of the stresses of the day. Singing in the shower lifts our spirits. Even if we feel self-conscious or

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Gratitude Practice

I think I”m a grateful person, but am not always in the mood to write down what I notice. I go through cycles where I am extremely grateful to swinging back and thinking that the world is plotting against me. Mood Booster Gratitude has been proven to be a boost for your health. It makes sense if you think about it. Grateful people are easier to be around, have less stress, are more resilient, and are able to come up with solutions instead of wallowing (guilty of that). It makes you pay attention to all that is going well. Looking

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Taking a Break from Grief

I recently heard the phrase “taking a break from grief” and really liked the way that it sounded. As caregivers, there is so much loss along with our hearts hurting for the losses our loved ones are experiencing. It’s easy to spend most of our time stuck in grief, but we need regular breaks. Here are some suggestions. Get Spiritual For me, attending a weekly church service helps me gain strength to keep going. Being around other people who ask how you are doing is also very comforting. I feel that having a higher and broader perspective helps us see

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Slow It Down

Life is more than how productive we are or how many things we can check off our to do list. True rest is difficult if we believe that everything has to be earned. We need to nurture our relationships with our loved ones, friends, and especially ourselves. Spending time in these areas is essential, but may get placed on the backburner because we are so busy. Don’t Rush Taking the time to walk from one destination, without rushing, doesn’t take that much extra time. You will notice the people and your surroundings if you don’t rush. It’s the difference between

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Caregivers and Maintaining Social Ties

As a caregiver, you end up not having enough time to do chores, go to a doctor’s appointment, make endless phone calls, cook and go to the grocery store. You can become more and more isolated over time, if you stop accepting invitations and stop inviting people over. Thinking about what you can do, in a modified fashion, so you can return to friends and family when you have less responsibility some day. Phone Date You can choose the same person or talk to different people. When you hear someone’s voice, you feel less alone. Choose people who will cheer

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Need A Hobby?

When I was a little girl, I wanted to try every pastime. My dream was to start a magazine about hobbies. It drove my mom crazy since I was a dabbler in everything. My mom told me I had to choose. She thought that taking dance, violin, and piano would be too much for me. These outlets gave me a source of comfort in elementary school. In my mind, I had no idea that it would require time, dedication, and practice.

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