Category: Healthy Mind

Let Journals Help You

Writing your thoughts down can be a lifesaver. I want to emphasize the importance of journaling as a tool that will help you keep a record of your thoughts and feelings. Personally, it has been a lifesaver when I need to process a challenging situation. There are times when you need to vent and people aren’t available. Everyone is doing the best they can. You need a safe space to write how you are feeling. You are able to see a situation more clearly in written form. Types of Journals I previously spoke about art journals in a previous blog

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Benefits of Puzzles

I was losing interest in my old hobbies and needed something that would help me center myself again. I needed to find something I could do in little pockets of time and was portable. Little did I know that this would come from an entirely unexpected avenue. New Hobby After a hard time of caring for my mom, I noticed that regular exercise and meditation weren’t helping me take my mind off of my many challenges. Someone casually mentioned Wordle to me and their eyes lit up when they would talk about their daily fix. I noticed the first time

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Why Am I So Tired?

If you are constantly tired, it’s easy to think that it’s a normal part of life as you get older. It is not. Sadly, I remember telling my doctor one time that I was feeling so tired and his response was that he was tired also. I didn’t have the space to examine how my job was draining me and I could have made adjustments. At that time, I accepted the doctor’s words at face value, but I felt an anger brewing inside of me. I think women, who already do too much, are often told that their symptoms are

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Work Life Balance For Real World Challenges

How do you achieve work life balance during changing or challenging circumstances? This can be due to illness, caregiving, our mental health, changing priorities, desire for change, etc. Many of us are taught to give 110% to work and make this the highest priority. I noticed that this caused inner conflict for me when I was going through a transition or challenge. It’s good to remember that at the end of our time on earth, the relationships we formed are what we will hold dear. Here are some suggestions: Adjust Your Expectations You won’t be able to work the way

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Emotional First-Aid

When you are going through challenging times, having a list of go to’s at your fingertips is a lifesaver. In Cheryl Richardson’s The Art of Extreme Self-Care, one description says self-care is caring for your soul. I loved the connection that when you care for yourself-the physical, emotional, and mental, you are caring for your soul. What a beautiful description! One of the chapters describes developing an Emotional First Aid kit. Cheryl guides the reader through a series of questions to reflect upon. Your answers will guide you to what will nourish you when you are facing a challenging season.

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What Calms Me Down?

If you’re in the middle of a stressful moment day, month, or season, it’s hard to think clearly about anything. It’s difficult to suddenly start thinking about ways to make you feel better. I was never an anxious person, until recently. Taking care of yourself when you’re having a rough moment is crucial. Having a toolbox ready for these moments will serve as tune-ups to prevent burnout and help you manage. Past Clues Think about what has worked in the past. For me, sitting next to a lake or pond, just looking out helps me feel restored. I don’t even

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