Category: Healthy Mind

Mini Getaways

Sometimes I feel so constrained for time. You can’t always take a vacation when you need one, but planning for ways to get away from the pressure of daily life has to be a priority, especially with the lives that we all lead. Picnic at the park- Take a whole afternoon or day if possible. Watch the clouds go by. Feed the ducks- My dad loved to do this. It’s very relaxing. Visit the pet store- Watch the fish or interact with the other animals. Spend the day at a historical library- Being in beautiful surroundings is a vacation for

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Musical Playlist

Like many people I’ve always loved the music from Gap ads. They are instant mood enhancers. Why not curate your own musical playlists to improve your mood? We could all use a boost of motivation. Musical Benefits All the brain research shows that music is good for brain health and increases neural pathways, which keeps your brain healthy and cognitive functioning strong. Music helps us to regulate our moods and improves our emotional states, which seems necessary in the times we are living in. Listening to music makes us plain happier. Your Musical Playlist When I think of working out,

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All Zoomed Out

Over the last couple of years, many of us have had multiple meetings on zoom including everything from doctor’s appointments, work meetings, professional and personal conferences, job interviews, etc. It was a lifesaver during the pandemic, but now is a good time to question if this becomes a default pattern out of convenience and what we lose in the process. Personally, working from my bedroom office hasn’t been highly motivational for me. We are all so very highly connected but also isolated in many ways. Naming the losses and what you observe is an important first step. The new normal

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Honor Your Money

Money is a work in progress for me. I’m not an expert but if you pay more attention to money, it can only benefit your health. For me, money represents freedom, control, and security. While these things are good, I had to stop equating money security from a steady paycheck at an office job. You want to honor your money by spending wisely, saving for a rainy day and retirement, and having enough to make a big purchase. Everyone has different responsibilities. I know that I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if I didn’t have a cushion of

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10 Ways to Slow Down Your Life for Grief

If you are going through grief for any reason your body will tell you to slow down. It’s not wise to power through. Here are some practices that will honor your grief and restore your energy: Reduce unnecessary commitments. If you feel depleted, ask yourself what you can place on hold for now? Don’t start new major projects or make major decisions. You may feel impulsive about moving but take a moment. Move more slowly. Don’t rush around and place more stress on your body. Feel your feelings. Take breaks to allow you to experience your grief. Connect to your

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Work Happiness: Exploration

In my previous post, I discussed how changing your mindset and being open to new possibilities can change your work outlook. Let’s explore further how you can make this a reality. Talk to people who have jobs that you find interesting. If you have any interest in a field, it’s worth taking fifteen minutes to speak to someone. Hearing a happier perspective will automatically open a whole new world, or at least you will feel less fatalistic and stuck. Once you let people know that you are exploring new possibilities, people will want to help you. They won’t know if

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