Category: Motivation

Flow and Ease

Take a Step Back Last week was so stressful that I hibernated all weekend. Ease and flow are hard things to find right now, but exactly what I need to focus on. Hearing “Be like water..” has never been more helpful. Sometimes it’s easy to forget this simple principle. It’s so hot right now that the best thing is to sit still. This gives me time to think through some things. My first realization is

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Gratitude Practice

I think I”m a grateful person, but am not always in the mood to write down what I notice. I go through cycles where I am extremely grateful to swinging back and thinking that the world is plotting against me. Mood Booster Gratitude has been proven to be a boost for your health. It makes sense if you think about it. Grateful people are easier to be around, have less stress, are more resilient, and

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Need A Hobby?

When I was a little girl, I wanted to try every pastime. My dream was to start a magazine about hobbies. It drove my mom crazy since I was a dabbler in everything. My mom told me I had to choose. She thought that taking dance, violin, and piano would be too much for me. These outlets gave me a source of comfort in elementary school. In my mind, I had no idea that it would require time, dedication, and practice.

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Let Journals Help You

Writing your thoughts down can be a lifesaver. I want to emphasize the importance of journaling as a tool that will help you keep a record of your thoughts and feelings. Personally, it has been a lifesaver when I need to process a challenging situation. There are times when you need to vent and people aren’t available. Everyone is doing the best they can. You need a safe space to write how you are feeling.

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Why Am I So Tired?

If you are constantly tired, it’s easy to think that it’s a normal part of life as you get older. It is not. Sadly, I remember telling my doctor one time that I was feeling so tired and his response was that he was tired also. I didn’t have the space to examine how my job was draining me and I could have made adjustments. At that time, I accepted the doctor’s words at face

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Declutter and Lighten Your Load

This is an area I struggle with, but I believe part of my own journey is to reduce my possessions that are weighing me down. I’ve collected so much over the last couple of years. My biggest goal is to make room for things that matter. Benefits Clearing your space has both mental, emotional, and physical benefits. One of the first things I noticed when I started to clear my space was the places I

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