Category: Motivation

Mindful Eating Gifts

I discovered mindful eating several years ago. At first I had a hard time listening to my hunger cues. I didn’t trust my body and was so used to letting external cues such as schedule, lack of time, or my environment dictate the way I ate. I didn’t really understand what truly nourished me and used food as a way to medicate my emotions. After my digestive system shut down due to stress, I had

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Emotional First-Aid

When you are going through challenging times, having a list of go to’s at your fingertips is a lifesaver. In Cheryl Richardson’s The Art of Extreme Self-Care, one description says self-care is caring for your soul. I loved the connection that when you care for yourself-the physical, emotional, and mental, you are caring for your soul. What a beautiful description! One of the chapters describes developing an Emotional First Aid kit. Cheryl guides the reader

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Welcoming Spring

It’s so nice to finally feel spring weather is finally here. The lovely fragrance of blooming flowers reminds us of what’s in store for us. Let’s take advantage of the unique energy of spring. Lighten Up Your Home and Renew Your Life Many people clean out their homes. This is a time of new beginnings. Is there a small area of your house you have been meaning to organize? Complete an overdue project in your

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Your Wellness Team

Start looking around you during a good season. Find people who will support you on your wellness journey. It’s easy to go on Groupon to find the latest deal, but finding people you can build long relationships with who you can rely on and are compatible with is priceless. Masseuse – Someone who has the magic touch that speaks your name, whether that’s a reflexologist, Thai or Shiatsu practitioner as examples. Experiment with what helps

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Mini Getaways

Sometimes I feel so constrained for time. You can’t always take a vacation when you need one, but planning for ways to get away from the pressure of daily life has to be a priority, especially with the lives that we all lead. Picnic at the park- Take a whole afternoon or day if possible. Watch the clouds go by. Feed the ducks- My dad loved to do this. It’s very relaxing. Visit the pet

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Honor Your Money

Money is a work in progress for me. I’m not an expert but if you pay more attention to money, it can only benefit your health. For me, money represents freedom, control, and security. While these things are good, I had to stop equating money security from a steady paycheck at an office job. You want to honor your money by spending wisely, saving for a rainy day and retirement, and having enough to make

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