Category: Motivation

Your Power Notebook

Something happened when I entered my fourth decade and beyond. I can’t seem to remember things as easily. I used to be able to remember entire grocery lists without making a note, but now if I have more than three items, just to be safe, I write things down. Something in the act of physically writing or tapping a message into your phone seems to connect more with my brain. I am a notebook collector

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Work Happiness: Exploration

In my previous post, I discussed how changing your mindset and being open to new possibilities can change your work outlook. Let’s explore further how you can make this a reality. Talk to people who have jobs that you find interesting. If you have any interest in a field, it’s worth taking fifteen minutes to speak to someone. Hearing a happier perspective will automatically open a whole new world, or at least you will feel

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Work Happiness: New Possibilities

Since we spend so much of our day at work, whether we work inside or outside of the home, it’s good to do a tune-up on a regular basis. Sometimes we are frogs in boiling water who get used to toxic environments and unacceptable behavior as normal. First, I believe the most empowering belief that you have is that your workplace is a choice and that you can make a change. I know some of

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Why Exercise with Other People? (Part Two)

In The Joy of Movement, Kelly McGonigal discusses the benefits of exercising with other people. She is a college professor and exercise instructor who has a front row seat to the power of movement. There is a story in the book about a woman who has experienced a tragedy and still comes to her weekly exercise class. She knew instinctively that this would help her process her loss. There are many inspiring and moving stories

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Why Exercise with Other People? (Part One)

Over the last couple of years, I’ve noticed less and less people coming to the gym. During the height of the pandemic, so many people canceled their membership due to health concerns. It’s completely understandable, but we are missing out on the many benefits of exercising with other people. When I go to the gym that used to be packed, especially around the New Year, I feel the loss. I became personally convinced of what

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Winter Renewal

Winter is a wonderful time to listen to your body and transition to a more reflective pace where you can pause and reflect. Planning also requires solitude and time to think so this is actually the perfect time to do this. If everything feels more of a struggle at this time, then it’s a chance to reflect on what current routines are not working in your life. Here are tips to help you thrive:

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