Category: Motivation

Your Mind-Body Connection

There’s so much evidence that there is a strong connection between the mind and body. What affects your mind (whether it’s grief or stress), will have a harmful effect on the body. If you have a hard time listening to the wisdom in our body, it’s important to remember how interconnected all the systems in the body are.

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Good Health is a Marathon

You’ve heard this before, but it’s worth repeating. Many health issues such as diabetes and heart disease take years to develop.

When you embrace a healthier lifestyle, you may not notice any difference right away. You may see subtle improvements in energy and how you feel but it takes time to see more permanent changes.

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Ten Tips for a Healthier Day at Work

Eat breakfast to start your day well.
Set reminders to drink water on your phone or use sticky notes.
Carry a piece of fruit or package of nuts for an afternoon snack.
Walk slowly. Don’t rush or stress your body.
Take a lunch break and mini-breaks throughout the day.
Walk outside for ten minutes.

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How to Show Yourself Self-Compassion

How can you take practical steps to show self-compassion? You start by noticing your thoughts and creating awareness around your saboteurs. Next time you hear your inner monologue, stop and take a deep breath. Ask yourself what kind of messages are you telling yourself. Is it along the lines of “I’m so stupid. I’ll never be able to do this exercise. I’m a failure. This is too hard?” Declare that you will stop and catch

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Get Back on Track with Self-Compassion

When you get off on track on your wellness journey, it’s so easy to beat yourself up. You may be thinking to yourself “It’s almost too much to work and carry out our responsibilities while trying to stay as healthy as possible. Who has time to deal with emotional health?” It’s so easy to be hard on ourselves and use all-or-nothing thinking. We often internalize the pressure to look a certain way and follow a certain lifestyle. Whether we skip exercising due to a busy schedule or not eating well to feel our best, accept there are always detours. In the past, I didn’t realize how critical I was because this was my normal background noise and I considered it normal until I tracked how often these messages pooped into my head.

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