Category: Nutrition

10 Reasons to Cook at Home

Let’s go over some reasons to motivate you to cook at home more often. Once you see how you feel, you may decide to make this a part of a healthier lifestyle. It’s healthier. You control the salt that you use. You can also choose cooking methods that suit you. You can control portions. Over time restaurant portions will seem unnatural. You are saving money. You’re not paying for restaurant overhead and tipping your waiter. You can make a healthy meal for a couple of dollars versus paying triple that amount when you eat the same meal as take-out It’s

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Making Healthier Eating a Habit

You can’t rely on will power alone. Habits, systems, and being organized will go a long way to help you look and feel your best. I focus on feeling the best, because looking a certain way may not motivate you. Emphasizing adding more fruits and vegetables will help create the foundation of a healthier diet. You want to set yourself up for success. Here are some practical suggestions: Leave a bowl of fruit on the counter so it’s easy to grab an easy snack. Always have a piece of fruit or pre-cut veggies in your bag as a go-to-snack. Plan

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Mindful Eating Gifts

I discovered mindful eating several years ago. At first I had a hard time listening to my hunger cues. I didn’t trust my body and was so used to letting external cues such as schedule, lack of time, or my environment dictate the way I ate. I didn’t really understand what truly nourished me and used food as a way to medicate my emotions. After my digestive system shut down due to stress, I had to learn new ways of being. I fall into patterns where I’m excited about mindful eating and then life gets in the way. Then I

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Dealing with Winter Food Cravings

It’s the time of year when we are spending more time indoors and possibly watching more television, which leads to increased snack time. We rely on hearty comfort foods to get us through the winter. We want to help ensure that when spring rolls around, we are continuing our healthy lifestyle versus having to rehaul our diet.

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Grief and Losing Your Appetite

When you are grieving or facing a deeply distressing situation, it’s totally normal to lose your appetite. During a season of grief, my appetite would come and go and I started to lose weight. Your body still needs nutrients to function so planning ahead for challenging times will keep you healthy. Have nutrient dense foods such as nuts and dried fruits to supplement your daily food intake. Set up a schedule. Don’t wait until you’re hungry in this situation. I found that I had to shift to a later lunch time to accommodate my new situation. Decide and choose a

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Nourishing Teas for Women

We don’t often think of drinking our nourishment. I’m a tea lover of all kinds, but beyond the variety of colors, aromas and tastes, teas provide nutrition in an easy to digest way. One nice touch is to add sliced fruit such as blueberries and strawberries to tea to get the added benefits of the fruit, along with the additional taste and texture. Tea has many emotional and energetic benefits since they are derived from plants and herbs. You will have to experiment and see which ones are your best allies. You can journal how you feel after you try

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