Category: Nutrition

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

When I was growing up, I remember that we would have to wait until we came home to get a snack. Food wasn’t so readily available. Nowadays, the kitchen is always open. Some schools even have snack breaks and it’s assumed that snacks are always available for children’s programs. It’s easy to eat at irregular times and not schedule time for meals. When I had digestive issues with SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), my health coach recommended I stop eating from 8 pm to 7 am. I immediately felt better and have continued with this practice to this day. Here

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5 Reasons to Eat Breakfast

Breakfast is the easiest meal of the day:) It doesn’t have to be fancy or require extensive preparation, unless it’s the weekend and you are feeling it.

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Less Sugar, More Sweetness

As a sugar addict, I know how hard it is to give up an addiction to sugar. When I tried a short No Sugar Challenge, I felt withdrawal symptoms that made me realize how addicted I had become. I literally felt sick the first few days and even noticed that I was feeling depressed without sugar. After a couple of days, you start to really taste the food you are eating. Fruits and vegetables become more vibrant. It’s good to know the harmful benefits of sugar such as increased risk of illness and wrinkles. The hard part is looking deep

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Food Journals:
Multipurpose and Good for You

Writing in a food journal has many benefits. For our purpose here, I recommend that you write down what you are eating so that you can be real with yourself and your wellness team, what is happening within your body, and how you are reacting to the foods you are eating. If drinking water is difficult for you, keep track of that. You can even track your workouts. I’ve seen some food journals that are so complicated that it feels overwhelming, but for some people, that may be aligned with the sense of motivation and detail you need. You can

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