Category: Practical

Spending Diet

With the holidays around the corner, I’m thinking ahead to how to approach the holiday season with mindfulness. Last year, with the best of intentions, I found myself overspending on Black Friday because I was home and it was convenient. There really was nothing I needed, but everything looked inviting. I want to be more aware of myself because when I start losing boundaries around money, it affects the food that I”m eating and other areas of my life. Normally the word diet isn’t empowering, but it’s different when we talk about money and the excess around the holiday season.

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Stop and Smell the Roses – Part 1

I was recently walking through my botanical garden and I had to remind myself to notice the flowers in bloom. Winter will be upon us and fall is already here. Whatever I had in mind for the day, stopping and noticing this moment was most important to me.

I’ve recently asked myself if I’m enjoying the pace of my life and honestly it’s a no. What I mean is that I try to cram so much into my free time because it’s very precious to me. I feel that I have to cram in what I”m missing. The pace is not sustainable. Everyone has different seasons of life so you may have to examine what is happening in your life.

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Stop Being (Overly) Nice

While being generous, kind, and helpful are worthy traits, sometimes we swing too far in one direction. Gabor Mate refers to being self-sacrificing to the point that you are hurting your health. Healthy self-interest is the foundation for health. When you are always thinking of others and putting yourself last, this causes illness and disease because noone was meant to live this way over a long period of time. He cites cases where personality traits are common in certain diseases. Healthy You It takes a certain amount of healthy selfishness to make the time to take care of oneself. Commit

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Creating Change

Change doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process. Our minds can accept this, but it’s much harder to be patient with ourselves. We are like plants that need sun, water, time, and the right conditions to flower and bloom. Small changes plant the seed for a healthier life. Time and Imagination When we are very comfortable, it often takes an event to inspire us. If you are going through a challenging time then it might not be the best time to make a change. There’s a reason why they don’t recommend you make a major change such as moving when you

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10 Reasons to Cook at Home

Let’s go over some reasons to motivate you to cook at home more often. Once you see how you feel, you may decide to make this a part of a healthier lifestyle. It’s healthier. You control the salt that you use. You can also choose cooking methods that suit you. You can control portions. Over time restaurant portions will seem unnatural. You are saving money. You’re not paying for restaurant overhead and tipping your waiter. You can make a healthy meal for a couple of dollars versus paying triple that amount when you eat the same meal as take-out It’s

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Making Your Health a Priority by Going Deeper

In the middle years, your body’s wisdom asks you to slow down and pay attention through aches, pains, injuries and illness. When we were 20, we could burn the candle on both ends. Now making your health a priority means you have to dig deeper. If this hasn’t been discovered, you will eventually realize that everyday living will cause wear and tear. Recently I started physical therapy. When the PT asked me what caused the injury, I was honest and slightly embarrassed to admit that there was no specific moment when I knew something occurred, but I knew I was

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