Category: Practical

Slow It Down

Life is more than how productive we are or how many things we can check off our to do list. True rest is difficult if we believe that everything has to be earned. We need to nurture our relationships with our loved ones, friends, and especially ourselves. Spending time in these areas is essential, but may get placed on the backburner because we are so busy. Don’t Rush Taking the time to walk from one destination, without rushing, doesn’t take that much extra time. You will notice the people and your surroundings if you don’t rush. It’s the difference between

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Need A Hobby?

When I was a little girl, I wanted to try every pastime. My dream was to start a magazine about hobbies. It drove my mom crazy since I was a dabbler in everything. My mom told me I had to choose. She thought that taking dance, violin, and piano would be too much for me. These outlets gave me a source of comfort in elementary school. In my mind, I had no idea that it would require time, dedication, and practice.

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Benefits of Puzzles

I was losing interest in my old hobbies and needed something that would help me center myself again. I needed to find something I could do in little pockets of time and was portable. Little did I know that this would come from an entirely unexpected avenue. New Hobby After a hard time of caring for my mom, I noticed that regular exercise and meditation weren’t helping me take my mind off of my many challenges. Someone casually mentioned Wordle to me and their eyes lit up when they would talk about their daily fix. I noticed the first time

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Declutter and Lighten Your Load

This is an area I struggle with, but I believe part of my own journey is to reduce my possessions that are weighing me down. I’ve collected so much over the last couple of years. My biggest goal is to make room for things that matter. Benefits Clearing your space has both mental, emotional, and physical benefits. One of the first things I noticed when I started to clear my space was the places I used to pass through invited me to linger since it stopped being a storage area. You may not even realize the amount of stress that

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How Does Reiki Help?

Reiki is an extremely gentle energy healing modality. There are Reiki circles and Reiki virtual healing sessions. You remain clothed but the practitioner is able to read and send out energy. I find it a gentle modality that allows you to make shifts in your energy. Like anything else, it depends on how comfortable you feel. I’ve had holistic practitioners tell me they were also practicing Reiki and add on to a treatment. The first time I tried Reiki, which originated from Japan, I wasn’t sure what was really happening. I know that I felt warmth in the areas that

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Work Life Balance For Real World Challenges

How do you achieve work life balance during changing or challenging circumstances? This can be due to illness, caregiving, our mental health, changing priorities, desire for change, etc. Many of us are taught to give 110% to work and make this the highest priority. I noticed that this caused inner conflict for me when I was going through a transition or challenge. It’s good to remember that at the end of our time on earth, the relationships we formed are what we will hold dear. Here are some suggestions: Adjust Your Expectations You won’t be able to work the way

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