Category: Practical

Honor Your Money

Money is a work in progress for me. I’m not an expert but if you pay more attention to money, it can only benefit your health. For me, money represents freedom, control, and security. While these things are good, I had to stop equating money security from a steady paycheck at an office job. You want to honor your money by spending wisely, saving for a rainy day and retirement, and having enough to make a big purchase. Everyone has different responsibilities. I know that I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if I didn’t have a cushion of

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10 Ways to Slow Down Your Life for Grief

If you are going through grief for any reason your body will tell you to slow down. It’s not wise to power through. Here are some practices that will honor your grief and restore your energy: Reduce unnecessary commitments. If you feel depleted, ask yourself what you can place on hold for now? Don’t start new major projects or make major decisions. You may feel impulsive about moving but take a moment. Move more slowly. Don’t rush around and place more stress on your body. Feel your feelings. Take breaks to allow you to experience your grief. Connect to your

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Your Power Notebook

Something happened when I entered my fourth decade and beyond. I can’t seem to remember things as easily. I used to be able to remember entire grocery lists without making a note, but now if I have more than three items, just to be safe, I write things down. Something in the act of physically writing or tapping a message into your phone seems to connect more with my brain. I am a notebook collector and that’s my favorite purchase whether in a museum gift shop or stationary store. There’s always a fresh new day waiting when you have a

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Work Happiness: Exploration

In my previous post, I discussed how changing your mindset and being open to new possibilities can change your work outlook. Let’s explore further how you can make this a reality. Talk to people who have jobs that you find interesting. If you have any interest in a field, it’s worth taking fifteen minutes to speak to someone. Hearing a happier perspective will automatically open a whole new world, or at least you will feel less fatalistic and stuck. Once you let people know that you are exploring new possibilities, people will want to help you. They won’t know if

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Work Happiness: New Possibilities

Since we spend so much of our day at work, whether we work inside or outside of the home, it’s good to do a tune-up on a regular basis. Sometimes we are frogs in boiling water who get used to toxic environments and unacceptable behavior as normal. First, I believe the most empowering belief that you have is that your workplace is a choice and that you can make a change. I know some of you upon hearing this may argue with me, but truly, there are places in the world where employment options are limited or you have hurdles

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Breath Meditation

I’ve been practicing another way to meditate using my breath. Usually this is an afterthought or part of a yoga class. I’m not used to just focusing on my breath, but this has been eye opening for me. This has really helped me to feel more grounded in my body in a way that I haven’t been able to access with other forms of meditation. The only time I’ve focused on my breathing was during yoga class. Sometimes I’ll do deep breathing when I’m stressed, but not in a structured way. Previously I wouldn’t have understood why anyone would just

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