Category: Practical

Art Journals

I’m taking a Skillshare class on Art Journals. I’m completely fascinated with this process, even as an art dabbler. I think I found a new hobby and want to suggest that you try this out. I can’t do justice to explaining everything here, but there are tons of videos on YouTube. As a non-artist this idea was intimidating, but I loved the idea of using my creativity to draw my thoughts and ideas, instead of always using words. I think that we can more easily access parts of ourselves that are hidden through art. You can be playful, creative, and

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Relax At Home: Bath Therapy

Baths in the winter are nurturing for your mind, body, and spirit. It’s great to let go of the tensions of the day. Here are some tips that will help soothe your skin, hair, and body. Try one of these add-ons to your bath: Add a hair mask while you are soaking. This will deep condition your hair and is good for your scalp Add one cup of Epsom salt which contains magnesium and helps soothe your nervous system. Bath bombs add color, flowers, and scent to add novelty and fun. If you’re not a bath lover, you can use

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Essential Oils in the Winter

Essential oils are so beneficial to our health and well-being in a myriad of ways, but especially in the winter. These powerful warriors are essential allies to feeling our best with the onslaught of chilly and wet weather, sickness, and mood issues that occur more in the winter. Orange or any citrus -Orange essential oil is something I like to keep handy on my desk. I can take a whiff when I’m feeling tired or I like to diffuse a few drops. The benefits include energizing and heart opening effects. Since I have allergies, I notice that it also clears

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Dealing with Winter Food Cravings

It’s the time of year when we are spending more time indoors and possibly watching more television, which leads to increased snack time. We rely on hearty comfort foods to get us through the winter. We want to help ensure that when spring rolls around, we are continuing our healthy lifestyle versus having to rehaul our diet.

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Yoga for Back Pain

When I fell and landed on my back while walking down icy stairs a few years ago, I knew immediately that it was serious. I remember having the wind knocked out of me and being unable to move for what seemed like a very long time. I had never experienced this kind of pain before. My lower back was throbbing and I was feeling worse by the minute. I was afraid to move because I didn’t know if I was making my condition worse. The emergency clinic told me I couldn’t put any pressure on my coccyx and told me

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Why Exercise with Other People? (Part Two)

In The Joy of Movement, Kelly McGonigal discusses the benefits of exercising with other people. She is a college professor and exercise instructor who has a front row seat to the power of movement. There is a story in the book about a woman who has experienced a tragedy and still comes to her weekly exercise class. She knew instinctively that this would help her process her loss. There are many inspiring and moving stories of how movement has added belonging and meaning to people’s lives. I discussed the losses of group exercise over the last several years in my

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