Daily Stretch

When you go to the gym or workout, do you stretch your muscles? Many people don’t consider this an important part of their fitness regime.

I used to think it was normal to have tight and tense shoulders all the time. I didn’t know what relaxed feels like. But now I actively seek to reduce the tension in my shoulders and neck. Something simple like child’s pose helps me reset and only takes a few minutes.

If you sit most of the day, it’s important to stretch your back, neck and shoulders. A few shoulder rolls going forward/backward and side neck stretches should do the trick. If you notice your muscles are tense, then taking a few breaks a day to stretch should help immensely.

If you’re having a hard time finding the time to stretch, consider making this part of your evening routine before you go to bed or while watching television. This will also help prepare your body for sleep and signals a switch from the busyness of your day.

Stretching on a regular basis will reduce the pain you feel and keep you healthy. You want your muscles loose and relaxed to handle the demands of your life. I’m also a big fan of physical therapy if you have issues that are recurring without suitable relief.



Spending Diet

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Stop and Smell the Roses – Part 2

On the road to slowing down and experiencing more joyful moments, there will be many challenges along the way. Some of these may be unconscious patterns that are holding you

Stop and Smell the Roses – Part 1

I was recently walking through my botanical garden and I had to remind myself to notice the flowers in bloom. Winter will be upon us and fall is already here. Whatever I had in mind for the day, stopping and noticing this moment was most important to me.

I’ve recently asked myself if I’m enjoying the pace of my life and honestly it’s a no. What I mean is that I try to cram so much into my free time because it’s very precious to me. I feel that I have to cram in what I”m missing. The pace is not sustainable. Everyone has different seasons of life so you may have to examine what is happening in your life.