Digestive Issues?
Eat Less Animal Products

Eating less meat gives your digestive system a chance to rest. Meat is one of the hardest foods to digest. Your digestive system slows down under stress so a reduction in animal products can help you with bloating and digestive symptoms. You may notice that you feel better overall with a more whole foods plant-based diet.

When I was diagnosed with SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth),I couldn’t figure out why I was bloated after following a strict diet. I still noticed I kept suffering from the same symptoms. I tried so many protocols and wasn’t sure what else I could do. Reducing my meat intake was the missing key because of my life circumstances. I was constantly under high levels of stress and couldn’t digest certain foods. I substituted many varieties of beans for meat and find that I feel like I have more energy overall.

  • It helps to keep a food diary. Figure out a format that works for you, whether on your phone, in a small notebook, or in a separate food journal. There are so many styles to choose from that will track your water, exercise, and food intake. It may not even occur to you what food is causing the problem because you don’t want to give up something you enjoy, or you can’t remember a time when you didn’t have digestive symptoms. Pay attention to how certain foods make you feel and the times of the day symptoms increase.

  • Try reducing your intake of processed meats such as bacon, hot dogs, lunch meats, and sausage as a first step, since they are high in sodium and have numerous additives, etc. Instead, add more beans and legumes to your plate.

  • Examine your thoughts around eating more plant based. You might assume that you won’t enjoy a more whole foods plant-based diet. Don’t let the thought that preparing plant based meals will be overly complicated stop you. I actually find I spend less time in the kitchen because you can find simple and easy recipes with less cooking time, which isn’t what I initially expected. Over time, you can develop a new palate and appreciation for vegetables and unfamiliar foods. We are lucky to have so many vegan options more widely available.

Many people have a hard time following a strict vegan diet, or it’s just not compatible with their lifestyle, etc. I respect the vegan lifestyle, but I found that I feel my best when I include small portions of meat in my diet, or the flexitarian lifestyle. This is a way to get the benefits without giving up meat. There are so many multifaceted benefits to eating less meat. Many of the people in the Blue Zones, who have some of the longest lifespans in the world and remain vibrant, eat meat occasionally.



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