Essential Oils in the Winter
Essential oils are so beneficial to our health and well-being in a myriad of ways, but especially in the winter. These powerful warriors are essential allies to feeling our best with the onslaught of chilly and wet weather, sickness, and mood issues that occur more in the winter.
  1. Orange or any citrus -Orange essential oil is something I like to keep handy on my desk. I can take a whiff when I’m feeling tired or I like to diffuse a few drops. The benefits include energizing and heart opening effects. Since I have allergies, I notice that it also clears my sinuses. Just be careful in the bath since they can cause skin burning and irritation.

  2. Lavender – There are sprays for the air and bedding. This oil helps promote relaxation and sleep and calms the nervous system. Lavender tea is a beautiful calming treat. You can always bathe with a few drops of lavender oil mixed in with any carrier oil (jojoba, grapeseed, almond, etc.) of your choice.

  3. Clove, thyme, and cinnamon (steam inhaled) – Add several drops into boiling water and drape a towel over your head, and breathe deeply. This will stop respiratory infections. This has helped me when antibiotics and other methods failed.

Diffusing a few drops of oil in an aromatherapy diffuser is an economical and effective way to experience the beauty of the oils. A few drops will last for hours. Explore the many ways you can use aromatherapy oils to enhance your health.


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Stop and Smell the Roses – Part 1

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