Find Your Yoga Pose

Yoga doesn’t have to be a 90 minute class. Spending a few minutes daily holding a yoga pose has numerous benefits for mind, body, and spirit. It’s worth taking the time to discover your go-to poses for stressful days or when you need a break. Daily stretching is so good for your body! My favorite pose when I’m having a moment is Child’s Pose. There’s something about this pose that instantly relaxes me and brings me back into my body when my mind is racing. This pose feels so nurturing to me. I love playing with the variations of arm and leg placement, along with using props to help me hold the pose longer. This is also a beautiful way to end the day.

The other pose I recently discovered is Dancer’s Pose. I dreamt that I was doing dancer’s pose in Sedona, but I didn’t know the name of the pose. I searched images online because it was such a vivid image. The funny thing is, I ended up going to a yoga festival in Sedona, so maybe I had inspiration. This pose may be modified by leaning on a chair on days when you need extra support.

This pose is helpful to me because I have very tight leg muscles and back issues, which are naturally stretched. I always feel calm and centered after doing this pose for even a few minutes. I feel my body fully expanded and feel the strength and grace inherent in the pose. I’m aware of the length of my body in a completely different way and know that my balance has improved. After sitting at my desk for hours, my chest expands and my breathing is much easier. Even doing this pose while I’m heating food in the microwave brings immense benefits for mind and body.

Hope you have a few go-to poses that will add calm and balance to your body and your day.



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Stop and Smell the Roses – Part 1

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