Money is a work in progress for me. I’m not an expert but if you pay more attention to money, it can only benefit your health. For me, money represents freedom, control, and security. While these things are good, I had to stop equating money security from a steady paycheck at an office job.
You want to honor your money by spending wisely, saving for a rainy day and retirement, and having enough to make a big purchase. Everyone has different responsibilities. I know that I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if I didn’t have a cushion of savings, while others need less to close their eyes. Deciding on your comfort zone is an important part of having a sense of peace.
Beyond that, define what success means to you. You have to decide what that specifically looks like. You may feel the black sheep of your family if you are different or extreme in comparison to others. When I chose to become a teacher, people in my circle thought I was taking a vow of poverty. I had to trust that I was making the right decision for myself. Later, they saw I was comfortable and happy with my decision.
Make sure your budget represents your values. If you care about giving money to charity, this should be reflected in your spending. Sometimes we think that our spending and values are aligned, until we realize that we spend so much in one category that is less meaningful and we don’t have anything leftover to give to good causes.
Author and speaker Manish Thakor, recommends highlighting items that bring you joy on your credit card statements. As an example, if you are buying takeout for lunch because it’s convenient, but you don’t remember what you had, then this is an area you can work on.
Being intentional about money is a way that we can honor our hard-earned money. Focus on building your team of financial experts that you feel comfortable with and can talk to about your financial situation.You can interview people and have the mindset that you will only work with people who feel supportive to you.
Learn something new each week by reading an article or listening to a podcast. Making wise choices and taking the time to learn more about finances honor our lives and money, since they are closely connected.