How to Show Yourself Self-Compassion
How can you take practical steps to show self-compassion? You start by noticing your thoughts and creating awareness around your saboteurs.
  1. Next time you hear your inner monologue, stop and take a deep breath. Ask yourself what kind of messages are you telling yourself. Is it along the lines of “I’m so stupid. I’ll never be able to do this exercise. I’m a failure. This is too hard?” Declare that you will stop and catch yourself because you deserve gentle support.

  2. Take it back by rewinding and recreating a more empowering message such as: I exercised four times last week. I’m going to plan a walk after work. I’m going to make a nice healthy meal after last night’s dinner out. I’ll drink a V8 since I haven’t eaten any vegetables lately.

  3. If your goal is a large one, take one step at a time. The path to healthier eating doesn’t start at dinner time. There are numerous steps along the way, which include making time for grocery shopping, looking at your pantry, meal prepping, collecting new recipes, learning new kitchen skills, etc. There’s much behind the scenes work that goes into a new lifestyle so go slowly and take the time you need to feel comfortable.

  4. Become your own best friend. Think of how you would comfort a friend who was struggling. You would create space for them to vent and offer helpful suggestions. Being your own best friend should be the goal always. No one has ever been motivated by being overly harsh, negative, and strict with themselves. That’s way too much pressure and your inner rebel will rise up.

  5. Use affirmations to transform your mindset such as:

Everyday my body feels stronger.
I fill my body with the best whole foods I can find.
I express my feelings instead of using food.
Create the affirmation in your own words and repeat them at least twice daily until it feels natural. There are even apps where you can record your own affirmations to listen to later.

These are some of the steps you can take to get back to your exercise routine or healthier eating habits. If you feel sluggish and want to get back to yourself, think about what’s the most impactful change you can make right now. It’s normal to lose motivation when the weather is cold, but you can try to adjust what is workable for this season.

Remind yourself nobody is perfect and give your permission to fail. You will try again. That’s part of the process of living a healthier lifestyle while being in the real world.



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