Make Your Home An Oasis

We are spending more time in our homes, possibly as a permanent lifestyle choice. Our time at home can become more of a routine instead of a refuge. There are more dishes to wash and so forth. We need more joy in our lives, and not just productivity. More oxygen that will fuel us for the marathon that is our lives, since it seems harder to relax.

We all need something that brings a little joy to our day and elevates the ordinary. What can help you get into a state of flow and help you recharge? We are unique and our minds and hearts know what we need.

If you have a hard time remembering what this might mean for you, try to remember a vacation memory. Was there something that you can recreate on a smaller scale? One thing I’ve incorporated from Kripalu Retreat center is their breakfast bar. I finally bought a few toppings to add to my yogurt or oatmeal in the morning. It’s a small detail, but having dried apples, shredded coconut, and jam easily available makes my breakfast more enjoyable and appealing.

If you don’t have a swimming pool, how about a small inflatable pool you can set up for the weekends just to dip your toes in? You can soak your feet in epsom salt. Think creatively and be silly, helping your inner child roam free. You may consider anything that has a cathartic effect: punching and boxing your frustrations away, chopping wood, or kneading dough.

Bathtime can be even more relaxing with dried flowers and colorful bath salts. Lavender oil will relax you. Light a candle and really breathe in the scent. It only takes a few extra moments to elevate your experience at home.

Creating a corner of oasis in your home will improve your health. Incorporating the five senses will allow you to go into your body. A portable basket can be filled with your favorite snacks, inspirational books, your favorite tea, puzzles, and other items that allow you to zone out and just be. Purchase pretty baskets to store exercise equipment. Use aromatherapy oils in a diffuser. The smaller the detail, the easier it will be for you to incorporate into your life and make a ritual.

Create reasonable routines to maintain your home. Find ways to make chores more enjoyable with natural products. Doing a little bit each day frees you to enjoy your weekends. Clear out the excess clutter that is weighing you down.

I’m on a mission this week to find “What lights me up at home?” I hope you can join me in finding ways our homes can truly nourish us.



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