Review: Cado Avocado Ice Cream

“I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.” has always been my personal motto. Ice cream or frozen yogurt has always been one of my favorite year-round desserts, even in winter. The last couple of years has led to an explosion of options for those of us who prefer dairy-free options.

I recently discovered Cado Avocado Ice Cream at Whole Foods. I’m always trying to add as much heart healthy avocados into my diet as possible. The texture was the closest to ice cream that I’ve tried-very smooth and satisfying. Cado hits it out of the park with a very smooth mouth feel-no leaving it out on the counter for ten minutes. This non-dairy option has only 12 grams of sugar.

I tried the dark chocolate flavor, which has always been a favorite. The smooth avocado blended in seamlessly, adding to the richness of the chocolate flavor. The chocolate flavor was very intense and you can tell there was much care taken to ensure a rich flavor.

I highly recommend the Cado brand. Overall it’s a healthy option with quality ingredients. A little goes a long way and I can’t wait to try the other flavors (including mint chocolate chip and cherry amaretto) listed on their website. The hardest part of giving up dairy due to my allergies has been ice cream, but this makes it easier. Total yumminess in a bowl!



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