Review: Dandy Blend Coffee Alternative

For those of you who are sensitive to the effects of coffee, Dandy Blend is a healthier alternative. I enjoy one cup of coffee, but it tends to irritate my stomach if I drink too much. Thus I’m always looking for a substitute. I ended up trying Dandy Blend when I wasn’t able to drink coffee and found myself missing the taste and the routine.

The ingredients in Dandy Blend are roasted barley, roasted rye, roasted dandelion root, and chicory root. The benefits include detox the liver, soothe the nervous system, and calm the stomach. I find it a delicious boost for my afternoon when I know coffee will interfere with my sleep. I find that it has a subtly energizing effect without any jittery feeling.

Dandelion is one of the ingredients in this beverage, which is healing for the liver. It’s important to take care of our liver because we overload it with modern medicine and foods that are hard on the liver which has to work extra hard. There is no caffeine and it tastes delicious hot or cold. I like to add oatmilk.

If you’re looking for a coffee alternative that tastes similar to coffee hot or iced and is a versatile ingredient, then try Dandy Blend. You’re also receiving multiple health benefits. For $2, you can enjoy a sample pack so you don’t have to invest and see if it’s right for you.



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