Ten Tips for a Healthier Day at Work
Taking care of yourself at work will help you be more productive and a better employee. Sometimes the messages we receive at work don’t encourage us to slow down and think about what we need. We can always find ways to integrate mind, body, and spirit. Here are suggestions to have a healthier day at work.
  1. Eat breakfast to start your day well.
  2. Set reminders to drink water on your phone or use sticky notes.
  3. Carry a piece of fruit or package of nuts for an afternoon snack.
  4. Walk slowly. Don’t rush or stress your body.
  5. Take a lunch break and mini-breaks throughout the day.
  6. Walk outside for ten minutes.
  7. Express gratitude verbally. Notice something that you may overlook.
  8. Take a few calming deep breaths whenever you feel stressed.
  9. Use time-blocking to stay focused and in a flow state. This means schedule regular blocks of time for recurring tasks.
  10. Think of ways you can serve your colleagues and clients to keep a positive perspective. You never know how your work affects others or your impact.
Always take care of yourself at work. Focus on your lane. Integrating your health into your work day will help you feel your best.


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