Winter Renewal

Winter is a wonderful time to listen to your body and transition to a more reflective pace where you can pause and reflect. Planning also requires solitude and time to think so this is actually the perfect time to do this. If everything feels more of a struggle at this time, then it’s a chance to reflect on what current routines are not working in your life. Here are tips to help you thrive:

  1. Allow yourself more rest at night. Try to go to bed a bit earlier and see if that makes a difference. Taking short naps on the weekend is also helpful. It may be hard to resist the urge to stay up late and watch tv, but know that this will keep your mind overly active and make rest more difficult.
  2. Experience more light. Take a short walk when the sun is shining. There is something about breathing in fresh air and feeling the wind on your face that can feel invigorating when you are stuck indoors. If you have Seasonal Affective Disorder, consider purchasing a light box. This has been a game changer for me, especially during long stretches of cloudy days.
  3. Learn to be still and slow down. Take your time when eating meals. Add more time in the morning so you don’t have to rush. Take longer to wind down in the evening. Cozy up to a good book. Give yourself time to adjust to going from fast paced to having white space on your calendar. Don’t rush to fill in your calendar out of habit. Also, remind yourself that winter is temporary, even if it doesn’t feel that way. Eventually the flowers will bloom and longer sunnier days will return. Practice radical acceptance and try to see the beauty around you while you are outdoors.
  4. Plan the rest of your year during this quiet season. What is the vision you have for your life? Create some new goals. To hear your inner wisdom, you have to get away from the busyness of daily life so changing your pace will help you.
  5. Fill your plate with fruits and vegetables. Set an intention because it’s normal to have carb cravings and it’s a high priority. You may prefer more cooked vegetables during this season.
  6. Savor a hot beverage. This is my favorite ritualistic way to slow down. Grab your favorite mug of tea, hot chocolate, or apple cider. Feel the warmth of the mug and enjoy.

Winter may not become your favorite time of the year, but this season will help you recover and prepare your body and mind for the energetic renewal of Spring. Know that so much is happening below the surface. You are doing deep repair work, even if nothing is visible to you. You can return more refreshed and ready to implement all of the plans you have made.



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