Work Happiness: New Possibilities

Since we spend so much of our day at work, whether we work inside or outside of the home, it’s good to do a tune-up on a regular basis. Sometimes we are frogs in boiling water who get used to toxic environments and unacceptable behavior as normal. First, I believe the most empowering belief that you have is that your workplace is a choice and that you can make a change. I know some of you upon hearing this may argue with me, but truly, there are places in the world where employment options are limited or you have hurdles because of the way the society functions. It can feel like we are stuck because we feel responsible for supporting our families, living our values, or making the world a better place. If you are miserable and your health is deteriorating to the point that your life becomes a joyless existence, I want you to take the first step and ask yourself to take a peek at other possibilities for your work life.

Many of us feel very disempowered in this area of our life, almost as if it’s impossible to make a change. Noticing the recurring patterns we have in our work lives is helpful for our future decision making. Your health is vitally important and your workplace affects you deeply in ways you may not even realize.

After working for toxic bosses, which most people will experience, it changes you permanently. I have known people who have been counting down to their retirement and they have had decades left.

Figuring out what makes us happy at work and what we need to thrive is really important. We all need to acknowledge that if we aren’t content at work, then it will spill over into the rest of our lives. Our mental and physical health can suffer depending on our relationship with our bosses and colleagues, our work environment, and the meaning or lack of that we bring to the workplace. It’s a very deep issue that has a far reaching impact, yet most of us believe we have little control over our work lives. Studies show that people who work for toxic bosses are at higher risk of a heart attack so it’s a life or death matter.

If you can, just try making this small mental adjustment. You deserve to spend your waking hours at a job that doesn’t harm you and adds to your life



Spending Diet

With the holidays around the corner, I’m thinking ahead to how to approach the holiday season with mindfulness. Last year, with the best of intentions, I found myself overspending on

Stop and Smell the Roses – Part 2

On the road to slowing down and experiencing more joyful moments, there will be many challenges along the way. Some of these may be unconscious patterns that are holding you

Stop and Smell the Roses – Part 1

I was recently walking through my botanical garden and I had to remind myself to notice the flowers in bloom. Winter will be upon us and fall is already here. Whatever I had in mind for the day, stopping and noticing this moment was most important to me.

I’ve recently asked myself if I’m enjoying the pace of my life and honestly it’s a no. What I mean is that I try to cram so much into my free time because it’s very precious to me. I feel that I have to cram in what I”m missing. The pace is not sustainable. Everyone has different seasons of life so you may have to examine what is happening in your life.