Work Life Balance For Real World Challenges

How do you achieve work life balance during changing or challenging circumstances? This can be due to illness, caregiving, our mental health, changing priorities, desire for change, etc. Many of us are taught to give 110% to work and make this the highest priority. I noticed that this caused inner conflict for me when I was going through a transition or challenge. It’s good to remember that at the end of our time on earth, the relationships we formed are what we will hold dear. Here are some suggestions:

Adjust Your Expectations

You won’t be able to work the way you used to, so accept this as normal. Especially now, you will have periods when you feel productive and other times when you can barely function, so give yourself grace if you are juggling numerous responsibilities. Silence your inner critic and know you’re doing the best you can.

Taking Breaks as the Norm

Even at full capacity, no one should be expected to be fully productive the entire day. This is unrealistic for anyone. I heard that many of us can work in 90 minute time blocks before needing a break. We are social creatures also. Taking a brief walk outside helps us be more productive. Yet, many people feel that they are chained to their desks and afraid to move, let alone walk around freely. Taking a real lunch break, instead of multi-tasking, is also important.

Prioritize Your Day

You’ve heard this before, but schedule the hardest task first and follow through. You’ll feel a sense of accomplishment and won’t dread the whole day.

Are there extra assignments you can turn down for now? Think about the most important projects that you should focus on.

Alternate Work Arrangements

One option is part-time work. If you can make arrangements with your current employer, that would be a great place to start. Many workplaces offer hybrid arrangements. The important thing is that the work is completed in a way that works in your life.

Hopefully this will be temporary as we navigate the seasons of change and challenge. Realizing and embracing our multiple identities beyond our work is healthy and a more balanced way to live.



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